What would you eat after dry fasting to maximize stem cell benefit?

Optimizing stem cell regeneration and function post-infusion theoretically involves supporting cellular health, reducing inflammation, enhancing telomerase activity, and providing the nutrients necessary for cell proliferation and differentiation. Based on these criteria, here are ten dietary supplements that could be considered to potentially support stem cell function and health, along with their logic for inclusion:

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce inflammation that might impair stem cell function. This is my favorite supplement and one I believe you can’t get enough of. Fish were probably one of the main reasons humans were able to evolve so much, and keep the brain fed and healthy. You should always have a good fish oil supplement daily.
  2. Vitamin C and B : Essential for collagen synthesis and antioxidant defense; also plays a role in enhancing iPSC generation, suggesting a supportive role in stem cell function. The golden combo for dry fasters. As well as important for mushroom therapy. I think having a B-Complex with included Vitamin C is important.
  3. Curcumin (Turmeric) : Potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that could protect stem cells from oxidative damage. Fisetin can also fall into this category. Shout out Dunning! But in reality curcumin is cheaper and almost as good. See my article: Why I don’t agree with the Phoenix Protocol for more information.
  4. Resveratrol : Antioxidant found in grapes and berries, shown to activate sirtuins which are linked to longevity and possibly stem cell function. The wealthy and popular biohacker combo is resveratrol with NMN for the NAD+ synergy.
  5. Green Tea Extract (EGCG) : Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, with studies suggesting it may support the proliferation and survival of stem cells. Green tea is a fantastic tool, but we’re also trying to keep caffeine low. Caffeine plays too much of a role in cortisol upregulation and we want to limit stress to maximize stem cell regeneration. EGCG extract is extremely low in caffeine as the process tries to remove as much as possible. Sort of like decaffeinated green tea, which is also an option.
  6. Quercetin : A flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, shown to have senolytic activity, potentially clearing senescent cells that hinder regeneration.
  7. Vitamin D : Supports bone marrow function and has been linked to the health of various stem cells; it also plays a role in immune regulation.
  8. Selenium : An antioxidant that supports immune function and may protect stem cells from oxidative stress.
  9. Zinc : Essential for DNA synthesis and repair, immune function, and has been shown to play a role in stem cell differentiation and proliferation.
  10. NAD+ Precursors (e.g., NMN or NR) : Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) or nicotinamide riboside (NR) to boost NAD+ levels, supporting cellular energy metabolism and potentially enhancing stem cell vitality and function.