Success stories

I am in the midst of my first dry fast after completing a 3 1/2 day water fast to heal health issues. I noticed some definite improvements so decided to go crazy into fasting to try to fully heal. I need some inspiration right now. I want to hear of others’ success stories from healing chronic health issues.

The benefits of dry fasting 7 days out of year have been huge for me. In a nutshell, I’ve repaired a peptic ulcer and a bugled disc / sciatic nerve. Other benefits include removal of cellular debris, plaque, senescent cells and new tissue remodeling during a dry fast.

If they’re not too damaged then cells can be repurposed to other parts of the body. We have been gifted with an amazing built-in survival mechanism that allows us to extend much needed cellular repairs beyond our nightly sleep which also takes place during the day or sleep walking by dry fasting.

There are some great resources e.g., online libraries and books that delve deeper into cellular repair.

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