Has anyone here who suffers from constipated benefitted from drinking water the first 24 hours of a dry fast to get their bowls lubricated?

I eat very healthy and have healthy stool. My constipation is caused by hemorrhoids blocking off my inner sphincter. My constipation has nothing to do with diet. Would drinking water on the beginning of the dry fast help me detox and prevent constipation and toxins building up and getting stuck because of my hemorrhoids and tight pelvic floor?

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When you mention hemorrhoids and constipation I’m assuming that you’re talking about the point where you end the fast and you’re worried that things are going to get stuck up there and toxins are going to build up ideally in this situation you would prepare for the fast with a few days of extremely light dieting and something that doesn’t put fiber and bulk into your colon so something like juice prepping without the fiber and I would personally prefer a low-carb juice prep water fasting before is also a good strategy and a lot of people use this very effectively before a dry fast but no matter what your bowels are not going to be lubricated afterwards they’ll actually dry up pretty drastically however the longer you dry fast the better the results on the hemorrhoids because the stronger the anti-inflammatory effect is going to be so you can keep that in mind and then you’ll want to slowly rehydrate and not eat heavy Foods magnesium citrate is going to be one of your best friends

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