Dry Fasting Cavity Fix

Can dry fasting fix a cavity? I need a root canal :sob: and want to know if I can dry fast it away.

When it comes to teeth and cavities, it’s quite common for people to report improvements, particularly with teeth sensitivity and minor cavities. However, if you’re at a point where you need a root canal, the situation is more serious, and careful monitoring is essential. The quickest solution, undoubtedly, is to proceed with the root canal. That said, eliminating sugar from your diet—which naturally occurs during a dry fast—can give your teeth a chance to heal and potentially reverse some of the damage, albeit very slowly.

Remineralization is a critical process to consider after addressing immediate issues. While autophagy induced by dry fasting might halt further damage, remineralizing the teeth is a lengthy process. For those with significant dental issues, waiting might not be the best option. It’s important to note that there’s no direct scientific research linking improvements in cavities to dry fasting, as it’s quite a niche area. However, there are numerous anecdotal reports of people healing various dental problems through fasting, with dry fasting believed to be more effective than water fasting. This efficacy could be due to enhanced nutrient absorption and increased stem cell regeneration, contributing to dental repair.

If a root canal isn’t feasible—whether due to cost, fear, or other reasons—committing to an extended dry fast might be worth considering. Personally, I would probably commit to a very long one. Obviously work up to it with some shorter intermittent one meal a day fasts, into a long dry and then reassess. Afterward, it’s crucial to focus on a refeeding strategy that emphasizes highly nutritious foods with minimal to no sugar. Additionally, sleeping with your mouth closed is beneficial for overall health. Using mouth tape to ensure nasal breathing during sleep can also support dental health.

I’m considering writing an article on dental health, remineralization, and the potential benefits of dry fasting for these issues in the near future.

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Tysm. How long? I have done five day dry fasts three times the past two years.

Probably 7+ but you’ll also have to commit to a mineralization strategy, and avoid all forms of sugar, for a while, so imagine zero-carb keto - if that doesn’t work for you after a month or two of refeeding then you’ll need to consider the root canal

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Thank you, again. Knowing myself, I won’t be able to do that. Fortunately, I may have found alternatives to a root canal. There is a technique called Vital Pulp Therapy that is hundreds of years old. Originally they used gold to cap the pulp tissue, which allowed the pulp to repair itself. Nowadays they use calcium hydroxide or calcium silicate to cap the pulp. These are pulp friendly materials that allow the pulp to regenerate if sealed properly.

The success rate is above 90%. Fortunately, I am not in pain, had a cleaning recently and am committed to keeping my mouth as clean as possible via flossing, mouthwash and brushing twice a day (when not fasting), getting a cleaning and check up every 3 months to monitor the tooth and dry fasting 36-48+ hours every week or so. Hopefully, this will stall any infection until I find a dentist experience in Vital Pulp Therapy to remove the cavity and cap the pulp.

nice - short dry fasts will stimulate stem cells which should speed up pulp regeneration too

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