Pregnancy/Trying to get pregnant and Fasting

Does anyone have any good resources/input on whether or not I can continue dry fasting/fasting while trying to conceive and/or being pregnant? I have not been doing dry fasting for very long but I really want to continue while my husband and I are trying to have our first child. Part of the reason why I’m doing so is too lose weight prior to getting all the baby weight.

For reference, I’m relatively healthy 5’9" weighting 190 lbs (started at 216 lb) non-diabetic, no heart issues, etc;

Thank you very much~

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if youre trying to fix infertility. then an extended fast is a powerful tool for it - but afterwards you should transition into a higher carb diet

I’m not really having issues infertility wise I’m sure, we haven’t been trying for that long (we got married in late January and only started trying after the fact)

But is fasting lets say until that positive test comes in an okay thing to do?

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Fast right after the period ends up to 5 day dry. And definitely no extended dry fasts once you are pregnant. I would also highly recommend doing a liver and intestinal cleanse before fasting. Getting rid of toxins will reduce morning sickness for sure.

As far as meals go - no high carb. Can be dangerous for baby and u. Moderate carb, higher protein. For someone with a bit of excess fat - we don’t need to gain much weight while pregnant.

I got pregnant after a 7 day dry fast, ate low carb throughout pregnancy, and lost 40 lb in 2nd and 3rd trimester. (Got pregnant at about 400 lb). People thought I lost weight and adopted. lol.

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I just finished a 5 day dry fast so wish us luck :slight_smile: I want to improve our chances after we lost our first (we weren’t very far along, only about 3 weeks). I completely cut caffeine and have been sticking to low carb/lower calorie intake.

I’m 28 turning 29 this year and everyone keeps saying “you’re young you’re young” babies take time and I honestly really really really would love having 3 of them one day.

I’m an adult, my mother had me at 25 and my brother at 27. I don’t want/need to hear that I’m ‘young’ anymore.

Any tips on that liver/intestinal cleanse? I’d be happy to hear it! I’ve just been replenshing electrolytes using a unsweetened electrolyte powder with potassium chloride, salt, baking soda, and Magnesium.