DF equipment, Parasites and easing back into it advice required

Hi all,

I have some prior experience a few years ago with dry fasting working up to 4.5/5 days max and am currently am sacking off work and heading out to Asia for the foreseeable future with the intentions of a reset in life and hopefully health. It's currently sunny and 35deg in Thailand by looks of things!

I have a few questions with regards to doing this abroad:

When I worked up to ~5 days I did use any thing other than a tounge scraper. No dry brushing, no enemas, no HR finger monitor etc like some people do. Do you think it would be worth acquiring these items for the sake of safety or ease of DF when abroad?

Working my way up to this I was keto and used caffeine as a brief suppressant to get into the daily habit before pushing it further without... I'm now caffeine free, can anyone recommend how to get into the daily habit without caffeine? I would go carnivore again for satieties sake to get into the rhythm again easier.

Plus any tips on how to ease/push into it further? For years (even after my last DF stints) I had reactions to foods, my libido has been all over the place, mood occasionally at times all over the place... I suspect parasites are in play here and from what I have read on here, 7 days should get rid of most? Should I have in my head further is needed or?

How do you deal with parasites leaving the body when DF? Does anyone had stories or guidance on this?

God bless 🙏